Join and enjoy exclusive discounts that you can use in numerous stores! With this subscription, you get monthly benefits that give you access to special offers and discounts on various products and services.
How does the monthly payment work?
Simply buy a subscription: Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll get access to discounts that are valid for the next 30 days.
Automatic or manual renewal: When the monthly period expires, you can choose to manually renew your subscription or use auto-renewal, so you don’t miss any benefits!
How to use the discount?
Download the app from the Play Store or App Store and create a profile.
Within your profile, find a unique QR code. When you get to the store, show it to the seller at the counter.
The seller scans your code and checks your status:
Active: If your discount is active, the seller sees your name, email, and status and automatically grants you the discount.
Inactive: If the discount has expired, we’ll notify you and you’ll be able to renew your subscription to continue with the benefits.
Subscription benefits:
Extensive network of stores: Our network of partners is growing daily. Take a look at the list of stores where you can use the discount and find everything you need.
Benefits and discounts: Exclusive discounts in numerous categories, from fashion and electronics, to food and beverages.
Security and ease of use: You use a digital QR code, so everything is fast, easy, and secure.
List of stores and partners
See the full list of stores where you can use this benefit at the link: